Monday, January 16, 2012


Welcome to the new blog!

We have decided to enter the supersaturated niche of DIY bloggers. The husband and I have spent the past 2 years filling our new home with crafts, DIY projects, and handmade wood furniture. After every project we would inevitably get asked… How did you make that? Where did you get that idea? Why don’t you blog about your projects?

Why don’t we…

My last attempt at blogging was fairly feeble and short lived. I had unrealistic expectations and when I couldn’t meet them I decided to walk away. I will never be a daily blogger. My new goal is to let the projects dictate the frequency of the posts, hopefully at least once a week. As both the husband and I have full time jobs, a 1 ½ hour commute each day, 3 pugs, etc… I can’t be blogging all of the time or there won’t be any time left to make stuff!



The husband takes point for all projects involving wood. Typically he finds an example that he likes (or more likely that the wife likes) and does all of the measurements and drawings on his own. This often makes for some necessary adjustments along the way as well as additional trips to the hardwood store or Home Depot.


For wood projects that do not involve any fabric or other crafty items the wife remains in a support role. I am often summoned to the woodshop (aka the garage) for important tasks like holding things, gluing things, and more often than I would like…carrying heavy wood things into the house for painting/staining.



The wife is behind the steering wheel (really the sewing machine peddle) for all crafty projects. Inspiration is found throughout the blogisphere, Pinterest, stores and catalogs. I don’t consider myself artsy, but I do consider myself crafty. I am not as good as the husband on measurements and calculations. Either I need some sort of pattern or inevitably multiple attempts will be needed. Visualizing in 3D is not one of my abilities.


Non-wood projects typically do not involve the husband as his patience for Mod-Podge and bias tape is extremely limited. However when cloth projects require drilling, routing, or hamming he is quick to pitch in.

Wood & Cloth

These are the most fun as the husband and the wife get to work together on the project. These most likely involve painting, staple gunning and sometimes swearing. These combo projects also tend to be bigger ones, we typically keep the final result for ourselves (verses it becoming a gift) and will often involve some of the actual structure of the house.

We have a list of projects that will keep us busy this year and will hopefully inspire you to pick up a hammer or needle.

Let the projects begin!

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